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Private Hypnobirthing Course

Private, personal, antenatal classes available in Newcastle, Northumberland, and North Tyneside.

The birth of your baby can be enjoyable...

Years of watching dramatic child birth scenes unfold on film and TV, and hearing horror stories from friends, family, and your colleague’s aunt’s sister-in-law, can leave you feeling scared when you think about birthing your own baby. I know you don’t want to feel scared and you’re searching for a solution. You want to feel confident, calm, and in control.


When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, everyone has an opinion. People may tell you, “Don’t be a martyr, just get the epidural.” Your friend might say, “Just go with the flow, don’t bother with a birth plan. Birth never goes to plan.”

But would you go on holiday without researching the destination? Would you buy a pram without weighing up your options? Would you plan your wedding day without careful consideration of your dress and the flower arrangements? Birth is no different.

Achieving a positive birth experience is not just about luck. It's about visualising the sort of birth you want and strategising how to get it. Birth rarely does go to plan, and it is often not idealistic, but armed with knowledge, and confidence in your body, you will feel empowered to weigh up your options and remain flexible and trusting of the process. Feeling in control is powerful and can make a huge difference to how you feel about the birth afterwards.

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My immersive hypnobirthing course is a four session programme that will leave you feeling confident in yourself and your body, empowered with knowledge, and looking forward to your baby’s birth with joy and peaceful anticipation. You will attend with your partner who will learn how they can take an active role, during your pregnancy, and at your side during your baby’s birth.

Do you want to look forward to your baby’s birth with joy?

Do you want to gain valuable knowledge about birth and your body?

Do you want to feel empowered to make choices that are right for you?






Hypnobirthing antenatal teacher newcastle with her newborn and toddler

Fear inhibits the natural process of birth.

During labour, if you feel afraid, your body will become tense and you will experience contractions more painfully. Blood flows to your arms and legs, and away from your uterus, causing the uterine muscles to become tired and struggling to recover. However, if you feel calm and confident, this has the opposite effect. Entering labour in a calm state allows blood to flow to your uterus, and work optimally.


Oxytocin, the love hormone, will flow and you will release endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller. This allows the process of labour to work smoothly and comfortably. Hypnobirthing supports you to achieve this state.


About me

Hi, I’m Soraya. A clinical associate psychologist and hypnobirthing teacher. I am an expert in supporting people to harness the power of the mind-body connection and move from a state of fear to a place of confidence.


I am passionate about women and babies having a positive birth experience and a gentle start to their life as a family unit.


I believe in the fundamental right of informed consent and believe that knowledge is power. I am a mother of two small children and live with my family in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Join me for your private hypnobirthing course.

This includes:

  • A booking phone call to discuss your personal situation, any questions you may have, and any topics you would like to focus on in more detail.

  • If you have had a previous birth experience we can take time to reflect on this.

  • The ability to arrange our hypnobirthing sessions at a time convenient for you.

  • Delicious home baking provided at each session.

  • A helpful Parent Folder (PDF) to accompany the course

  • Four guided meditation tracks to bring you serenity

  • Relaxation scripts which we will practice together during our course


You will also receive:

  • The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves

  • Exclusive access to the private Sage Birth Facebook Group

  • Invitation to exclusive get togethers, for the first year post-partum, solely for Sage Birth graduates, where you can get to know other like minded parents.

Your Investment


Secure your booking now with a £50 deposit



Payment options

£50 deposit + £315 remaining balance

£50 deposit + x2 instalments of £107.50

Special Bonus

A delightful aromatherapy gift set from North East company Diya Wellness. Including a soothing, scented body oil, matching bath salts, and a pouch of sweet, fragrant rose and jasmine petals, all set in beautiful hand-made bamboo basket.

Available until June 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions

When should I book in for your hypnobirthing course?

The best time to book in for our private hypnobirthing course will be from around 14 weeks up until 34 weeks, so you have plenty of time to practice and consolidate your knowledge. Of course, if you find me later in pregnancy, we can start the course ASAP, and complete it intensively, so you have as much time as possible to prepare.


What is the difference between hypnobirthing and a traditional antenatal class?

A traditional antenatal class will focus on practical aspects of labour, birth, preparing for life with a newborn, and perhaps breastfeeding. They may discuss hypnobirthing as a small aspect of their course. My hypnobirthing course is a 12 hour programme entirely dedicated to the process of labour and birth. In addition to acquiring valuable knowledge about the process, and feeling empowered to make choices, you will achieve a complete mind-set shift from feeling anxious and afraid to feeling a sense of calm confidence. A traditional antenatal class can be done in addition to my hypnobirthing course as they teach different things from different aspects.


Are they any disadvantages to hypnobirthing?

Some may criticise hypnobirthing as encouraging women to believe they will achieve a perfect, idealised, birth experience and therefore, sets them up for failure. This is not what the Sage Birth hypnobirthing course does. If things to drift away from your ideal plan, you will feel confident to ask questions and remain in control of the process. When you feel in control, and trusting of your body, you will be able to remain flexible to the journey of labour and birth, and, when all is said and done, satisfied that you made the best choices for you and your baby.

I like the sound of this but £365 sounds like a lot…

I understand this, you want to know it’s worth it. First of all, have a think; how much have you spent on a babymoon? What about your pram? I promise you that your investment in this course will be worth it. After you complete the course and realise how much you are now looking forward to your birth experience, it’ll seem worth it. When labour starts and you realise how confident you feel, and how manageable it really all is, it’ll be worth it. When you hold your baby, feeling empowered, and a like a goddess, smiling, and staring in awe at that little face, it’ll be worth it. Your investment in a positive birth experience is worth every penny. Everything that comes after, as a parent, and as your baby grows, sits on the foundation of your birth experience.

Why don't I just book one of those cheap, online courses?

You could, and you'll learn some helpful things, but honestly, you get what you pay for.  Pre-recorded, online courses are intended to sell to the masses. The information is generic and limited. You can't ask questions. You can't get good, personalised, information for your personal situation. 


Ok, I’m convinced but I’m not sure about my birth partner…

This is totally normal. My super practical husband was also rather sceptical of hypnobirthing and thought it seemed a bit woo woo. However, once we got started he was completely on board! Once he understood the rational, and the science behind it, it all made sense. I imagine it also won’t take much for your partner to be convinced. My course also gives birth partners a fundamental role in the process and I find they like feeling useful and sure of their role.

This all sounds great but I’m likely to be induced or getting a c-section.

Hypnobirthing is useful in all types of births. Even when things are more medicalised you can harness the power of the mind-body connection and keep yourself calm, and focused. We will also cover education around inductions and c-sections so you know what to expect and how to make the experience as positive as possible. There are certain adaptations you can ask for and you will feel empowered to be assertive about what you want.

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