Welcome, you gorgeous pregnant lady!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am so excited you are exploring hypnobirthing as part of your antenatal education. Hypnobirthing is so much more than some breathing techniques for labour. Completing the Sage Birth hypnobirthing course, during your pregnancy, will take you from a place of fear, and uncertainty, to a place of strength, empowerment, and confidence, in yourself, your body, and your baby. You will be ready to birth your baby with joy.
About your Hypnobirthing Teacher
Hello! I'm Soraya, a hypnobirthing antenatal teacher based in Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne. I am incredibly passionate about women and babies having positive birth experiences and I am so excited to help you achieve this goal! Too many women are having traumatic birth experiences and it is time women take back their power and feel confident, and strong, when it comes to child birth.
I'm a mother to two small children who are my absolute world and they make me laugh and smile every day. I'm originally from Belfast, studied in Glasgow and Edinburgh, where I picked up a Scottish husband, and we now live in Newcastle upon Tyne. I love red wine, cooking and baking, reading, yoga, working out, horses, getting outdoors, and spending time with my family. I dislike, mushrooms, noisy plastic toys, when things are unnecessarily complicated, and when things are spelt wrongly on purpose.
I have been working in Psychology and Children's Mental Health within the NHS for around 10 years and have qualified as a Clinical Associate Psychologist. I have seen the ripple effects of traumatic birth experiences, years down the line. In psychological, and neurodevelopmental assessments (autism and ADHD), we would ask parents extensively about their pregnancy and birth history, and formulate how it may contribute to their child's presenting difficulty. I know how important it is, for a child's future, for them to have the best possible start to life. Your child's birth is the foundation for everything that comes after. This is why thorough antenatal preparation is vital.
My first birth experience was a traumatic induction of labour and I realised how wonderful, and so much easier, natural birth can be, after the amazing natural birth of my second child. I became passionate about women's birth choices, informed consent, and the importance of positive birth experiences for mothers and babies. I decided to train as a hypnobirthing teacher and share my passion, and knowledge, of positive birth, with families in the North East, by delivering the best, high quality, woman centred antenatal classes.
I completed my hypnobirthing teacher training with KG Hypnobirthing ,which is an internationally renowned programme, and the gold standard of hypnobirthing teacher training.
I am excited to help you understand birth from a psychological perspective. The mind is a powerful tool and is directly connected to what we experience in our body. My hypnobirthing course will give you tools to channel the power of your mind and prepare for the best possible, natural, birth that you and your baby can experience.
I look forward to supporting you in your journey.
Follow @sagebirthne on Instagram

What is Hypnobirthing?
You may be worrying it's some hippy woo woo stage hypnosis trick that's going to make you birth like a chicken or something... but really the "hypno" in hypnobirthing refers to the reframing of birth in your mind, from something scary and dangerous, to something safe and calm.
During your pregnancy, you will be encouraged to undertake nightly relaxation practice to train your body to relax on cue. Being relaxed and calm in labour will allow your hormones to work optimally, and your body to do what it is designed to do naturally. Fear creates tension which leads to pain. Calm confidence allows the love hormone, oxytocin, to flow and endorphins to act as a natural pain relief. This antenatal preparation then allows you to simply relax, and let go, once labour commences.